
Check out the #PetPower of these best buddies!

Send us your favourite pet photos and give your pet a chance at fame in the Brussels Bubble!

“When you are deeply troubled, there are things you get from the silent, devoted companionship of a dog that you can not get from no other source.”

Whereas politics can sometimes be a tough game, pets always bring out the best in everyone – that is pet power to me!

“Smokey would love to see EU regulation of online advertising of pets!”

If I win I will double the donation!

“Even though I couldn’t finish my training as an assistance dog, I’m happy to be therapy dog at Villa Samson.”

All you need is EU and a cat! “

Mack, my permanent companion and friend all over the World !!!

“Tuco is most effective therapy for my son with ASD – always caring, patient & attentive, a true protector friend.”

“Educated breeders & buyers, responsible breeding, & no more pets in need in shelters is the real #PetPower.

“#PetPower means the joy, health (mental & physical), security & companionship my dog gives me.”

“Lenka is a lovely, talkative, & playful cat, very well behaved. She follows us everywhere & observes us all the time.”