Tips and tricks on how to care for your pet in the summer season
Summer is finally here and so are the high temperatures typical of the warmest season of the year. Just as we may be affected by the warm weather, we should remember that our pets may be affected as well! Read our blog for some tips and tricks on how to care for pets during the summer season.

Provide plenty of water and shade
Unlike people, pets have a limited ability to cope with the heat of summertime as they cannot sweat through the skin on their bodies. Therefore, dehydration can be a big problem for all types of pets during summer season. Rabbits need plenty of water during hot weather as they can risk dehydration. You can encourage your rabbit to drink more in several ways, such as providing both sipper bottles and bowls of water as well as giving them fresh vegetables. Moreover, animals with flat faces, like Pugs and Persian cats, cannot pant as effectively as other breeds of dogs and cats, so you need to make sure that they are properly hydrated as they are more susceptible to heat stroke. Another category of pets that are at risk in summer are elderly or overweight ones or those with heart and lung diseases. Finally, you should also avoid walking your dog during the warmest times of the day and never leave them in hot cars, as rapid rises in temperature can be fatal for them.
Be aware of nature’s dangers!
Another danger for your pet in summer is the presence of ticks, bugs and other nature that can be poisonous. Generally, cats and dogs enjoy chasing after insects, like wasps and bees, which may result in them being stung. While this is usually not a problem for them, multiple stings, especially in the mouth, could cause a severe allergic reaction. Symptoms include general weakness, breathing difficulties, and excessive swelling. Another danger for pets are ticks, which can be found in grassy, wooded areas. Ticks can cause infection and can be very irritating for your pet, but if removed within 24 hours, infection can usually be prevented. Finally, blue-green algae forming on the top of the water is also highly toxic for dogs and they can be found in some ponds and lakes. Some advice on protecting your dog from blue-green algae can be found here.
Apply sunscreen if needed
Some pets, especially those with short hair and pink skin, may be at risk of sunburn. You can ask your vet for advice on which types of sunscreen to apply to your pet to protect your four-legged companion.

Ensure water safety
Although bringing your dog to the beach or the lake can be a fun way to bond with your pet, make sure to keep an eye when your furry friend is in or near the water. First of all, if it is the first time taking your dog to the beach, be aware that they may need help swimming for the first time. Moreover, make sure that your dog is not drinking too much seawater as the high salt content can cause problems for your furry friend’s stomach. Also be aware that dogs can also be stung by jellyfish just like us. This can cause vomiting, swelling, excessive licking, and difficulty breathing. If you suspect your dog has been stung, contact the nearest vet immediately.